David Bruce: The Most Interesting People Who Live Life — Bathrooms, Boxing, Children

David Bruce Anecdotes

Anecdotes are usually short humorous stories. Sometimes they are thought-provoking or informative, not amusing.


• Competitive figure skating can be nerve-racking, so the skaters often don’t wish to hear the competition’s scores. Canadian skater Brian Orser used to turn on the shower in the men’s dressing room so he couldn’t hear the competition’s scores being announced over the loudspeaker. American skater Elaine Zayak used to flush toilets whenever her competition’s scores were announced.

• Indianapolis high school senior Tim Wood once set the world record for sit-ups, doing 15,525 in 10 hours. After Mr. Wood finally finished setting the world record, a reporter asked him what he was going to do next. Mr. Wood replied, “Go to the bathroom.”

Behavior — Bad and Good

• In 1985, Lyn St. James drove at Watkins Glen, New York, in an IMSA GT race. She was supposed to share driving duties with another driver named Whitney Ganz, but when she came in for the final pit stop, she refused to get out of the car and let Mr. Ganz take over. She ended up winning the race, but she was alone at the victory celebration after crossing the finish line, even though normally the crew celebrates with the winning driver. In protest at her hogging the glory, the members of her crew stayed away.

• After African-American runner Wilma Rudolph became THE story of the 1960 Rome Olympic Games, she was given a dinner in her hometown of Clarksville, Tennessee — the first-ever integrated dinner there. County Judge William Hudson eulogized her with tears in his eyes: “If I can overcome my emotion, I’ll make you a little speech. Wilma has competed with the world and brought home three gold medals. If you want to get good music out of a piano, you have to play both white and black keys.”


• After boxer Cassius Clay, who later changed his name to Muhammad Ali, won a gold medal at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, he wore it constantly. He even wore it to bed, even though he had to sleep on his back to keep the medal from digging into his skin. His father was just as proud of the medal as young Cassius, and he celebrated by painting the front steps to their home red, white, and blue.

• Professional boxer Sam Langford once touched gloves with an opponent before the first round, although usually boxers touch gloves before the final round. However, Sam explained ringside that it was the final round — then he knocked out his opponent.


• When professional beach volleyball player Gabrielle Reece was a child, she lived with her mother in Mexico City after her parents split up. But when three-year-old Gabrielle developed whooping cough, her mother decided that the air — much polluted — of Mexico City was bad for her young daughter, so Gabrielle went to live with her mother’s best friends, Norette and Joe Zucarello, in Long Island, New York. Gabrielle stayed with “Aunt” Norette and “Uncle” Joe until she was seven, when her mother sent for her again to come live with her in Puerto Rico. By this time, Gabrielle wanted to stay with the Zucarellos, and she stood on the couch, pleading, “Can’t you get a lawyer?” However, the Zucarellos respected the wishes of Gabrielle’s mother, although Norette cried every day for 12 months after Gabrielle had gone.

• Ecaterina Szabo started training with Bela Karolyi at a very young age. In fact, she was younger than Mr. Karolyi wanted his athletes to be. While on a hunting trip, Mr. Karolyi was asked by a fellow hunter to look at the five-year-old daughter of the hunter’s brother to see if she could become a gymnast. Mr. Karolyi did so, but he explained that the girl would have to be six years old to attend his gymnastics school. Nevertheless, the girl and her father appeared at his school one day. Mr. Karolyi wasn’t sure what to do, so he left to ask advice from his wife, Marta. When he returned, the young girl’s father had disappeared and she was crying. She stayed at the school, and in 1984, she earned silver in the all-around competition at the Los Angeles Olympics. (Mary Lou Retton earned the gold.)

• When Zen master Seisetsu was a boy studying at a temple, he was asked to rub the back of a samurai warrior who had traveled a long way. The samurai was deeply grateful, and he promised Seisetsu a new religious robe the next time he returned from the capital. After the samurai had returned to the capital and then come back to the temple, Seisetsu again rubbed the samurai’s back and asked him about the robe. “I completely forgot,” said the samurai. Seisetsu grew enraged, and shouted, “What kind of samurai is this who says one thing and does another?” Then he hit the samurai on the head and stalked off. The samurai was impressed by Seisetsu and told the boy’s Zen teacher to take good care of him.


















My FREE eBooks can be downloaded here in various formats, including PDF and ePub:


Smashwords recently made it mandatory to open an account to read or download free eBooks. The reason is this: “The change was […] made to prevent scraping of free books by bots for machine learning training data or similar. It was not a change made lightly — both authors and readers enjoyed the ability to download free books without an account.”

No account is needed to download my FREE eBooks at Freeditorial or any of my blogs:





The Local Girls – I’ll Never Say Never Again  (mp4)


Chapter 25: Gemini — Saint James Examines Dante’s Hope (Paradise)

Dante the Poet thought, I am writing a divine poem: The Divine Comedy. Both Heaven and Earth have played a part in my writing of it, and I have grown thin through the effort of writing this poem.

I hope that the people who exiled me from Florence will read this poem and allow me back into Florence. I grew up there. I was a foe to the people who rule Florence now.

I would return as a different kind of poet. No longer am I a writer of love poetry. I am now a writer of sacred poetry about God. I am now fully mature. I would like to be crowned as a poet in my own city.

I became a Christian in Florence, and I was baptized there. I hope to return there one day.

In Paradise, Beatrice thought, Dante hopes that his poem will allow him to return to Florence and be crowned as a poet there. Dante will never make it back to Florence. The Church of Santa Croce in Florence will have a tomb for Dante, but the tomb will be empty. Dante’s body will be in a tomb in Ravenna.

In Paradise, a light started to move toward Dante the Pilgrim and Beatrice. It came from the Sphere from which the light who is Saint Peter came.

Beatrice saw the light, and ecstatic, said, “Look! Here is Saint James! On Earth, he draws souls to Galicia!”

During the Middle Ages, many people traveled to visit Saint Peter’s tomb at Santiago de Campostela, which is located in Galicia in northwestern Spain.

On Earth, a dove will settle by its mate, and the dove will coo its love for the other dove and circle around it.

Much like that, Saint James greeted Beatrice, and the two sang praises for the goodness of Paradise.

After the two souls had exchanged greetings, they stood before Dante. They were so bright that Dante could not look at them.

Smiling, Beatrice said to the light, “Illustrious soul, you are the author of the Epistle of James, in which you wrote about divine benevolence and generosity. You know about hope. You, Peter, and John were the disciples in whom Jesus placed special trust. You three are proper representatives of faith, hope, and love.”

Dante thought, Saint James spent a lot of time away from home. He is known as the great Pilgrim Saint.

Saint James said to Dante, whose eyes were lowered because of the brilliance of the lights who were Saint James and Saint Peter, “Lift up your head and look at us. The light in Paradise will strengthen you, not harm you.”

Dante lifted up his eyes.

Saint James said to him, “You have been blessed by God in being allowed to visit Paradise before you die. So that Humankind may understand what hope is, answer these questions:

“What is the definition of hope?

“To what degree do you possess hope?

“What is the source of your hope?”

Dante’s guide in Paradise, Beatrice, spoke up and answered the second question for Dante — very positively. She did not want Dante to answer the question because it could seem as if he were proud.

Beatrice said, “No son of the Church Militant — living Christians — has greater hope than Dante. You can see into the mind of God, and so you know that what I say is true. Dante’s hope is why he has been allowed to travel to Paradise before his living days on Earth are done.

“You asked two other questions so that Dante may educate Humankind still on Earth. He can answer these questions without self-praising himself. So let us allow Dante to speak, and may God’s grace help him to answer well.”

Dante was like a student who has studied hard and knows his subject. He said to Saint James, “Hope is being sure of future bliss in Paradise. The future bliss will come from the grace of God and from the good that one has done or attempted to do on Earth. Because of these things, we hope for salvation.

“I have received my hope from many sources, but I received my hope first from David, the singer of the Psalms. David sang, ‘They who know Your Name will have hope in You.’ All who have faith as I do know that Name.

“And in your own epistle, Saint James, you taught me to hope.”

Dante the Poet thought, Hope is important in Christianity because all of us have sinned. The Old Testament has 613 laws, and all human beings who reach the age of reason break many of those laws. And even if we believe that many of the laws do not apply to Christians today, we have broken many of the laws that remain and that we think still are applicable to our lives.

If we focus too much on our sins, we can lose hope. We can think that we have sinned so much that we will never make it to Paradise. Faith is important to hope. If we have faith in a merciful God, then we can retain our hope.

Within the light who is Saint James repeatedly flashed a flame like strikes of lightning.

Saint James said, “Love always was inside me, and it hoped. Love was with me when I was martyred and when I left the Militant Church and joined the Triumphant Church. This love leads me to ask you this: What is the goal of hope? What do you hope for?”

Dante replied, “The goal of hope is written about in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Jesus promised something to the souls who were His friends.

“The goal of hope is eternity in Paradise. Isaiah said that saved souls will wear a double raiment in Paradise: soul and body. Paradise is a place of eternal bliss.

“Your brother, Saint John, in Revelation, writes about the white robes that denote saved souls. He makes clear the object of hope.

“I hope for my soul to be immortal and for my body to be resurrected.”

The souls above Dante’s head were happy with his answer, and they sang, “Sperent in Te,” aka “They Trust in You.”

Dante the Pilgrim had passed this examination.

One of the lights above Dante’s head became very bright. If the Constellation of Cancer the Crab had just one star as bright as this light, then winter — a time when the constellation is visible all night — would have a month of all days and no nights because the star would be as bright as the Sun.

Much like a young girl who rises and dances to honor a bride and not to draw attention to herself, the brilliant light rushed to join Saint James and Saint Peter.

They all danced and sang, and Beatrice watched them.

Beatrice said to Dante, “This soul lay upon the breast of the Pelican, and Jesus Christ on the Cross told him to take care of Mary after Jesus died. This soul is Saint John.”

Beatrice thought, In the Middle Ages, believers sometimes referred to Jesus Christ as the Pelican because the pelican was thought to allow its young to feed upon its blood. The pelican shed its blood for its young, and Jesus Christ shed His blood for Humankind.

As Beatrice said these words to Dante, she continued to look at the lights who are Saint Peter, Saint James, and Saint John.

Dante had heard a tradition — which was disputed — that Saint John’s body had gone to Paradise along with his soul. He stared at the light who is Saint John.

Saint John said to them, “Why blind yourself by looking for something that is not there? My body is on Earth and not yet in Paradise. My body lies with other bodies until such a time as the allotted seats in Paradise are filled and Judgment Day arrives.”

Dante thought, The rest of the souls in Paradise will be given their bodies on the Day of Judgment. Of course, this is also true of the souls in the Inferno. The souls on the Mountain of Purgatory will also receive their bodies, and they will go to Paradise.

Saint John continued, “Only two Lights are at present allowed to have both soul and body in Paradise: Jesus and Mary. Be sure to tell this to Humankind when you return to Earth.”

The dance of the lights had stopped with his words, and the song had stopped. Similarly, oars rowing in water stop at the sound of the whistle of their leader, who sounds the whistle when danger is present or when necessary to prevent exhaustion.

Dante turned to Beatrice, and he discovered that he was blind. He could not see her, although the two were close to each other and they were in Paradise!



“Undefinable, Rock and Roll that no one will hate.”

Supernobody: “Revolution 101”


Supernobody: “Make the Music Sway”

Supernobody: “Sheep”


Supernobody: “The Past is Passing”


Supernobody – 2014 Nelsonville Music Festival










Mark Hellenberg is the undisputed KING of groove and percussion in the world of contra dancing. He is also a well-known public radio host in Athens, OH, as well as an expert on World War 1 and the history of beer, and many other things.



I Get the Blues When It Rains (feat. Jorma Kaukonen, Zeke Hutchison, Mark Hellenberg & Terry Douds)


Mona Lisa (Rock My Soul) [feat. Jim Smailes, John Borchard, Dave Borowski & Mark Hellenberg]

The Ghost Horse (feat. Dave Borowski & Mark Hellenberg)

Slowest Man in the World (feat. John Borchard & Mark Hellenberg)

Below: From the album DANCE-A-RAMA by Samuel Bartlett

Beer-30 (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Rodney Miller, Ben Cooper & Eden MacAdam-Somer)

Supertrad (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper & Eden MacAdam-Somer)

Mathias’s Waltz (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper, Kristi Guillory & Anya Burgess)

The Nomad (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper, Rodney Miller & Christopher Layer)

Ann Carter’s Tooth (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper & Eden MacAdam-Somer)

Captain McLane (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper & Rodney Miller)

Portlandia Waltz (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper & Rodney Miller)

Dr. Wilson (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper & Rodney Miller)

Axelrod (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper & Eden MacAdam-Somer)

The Shocking Bluesteins (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper, David Greely & Eden MacAdam-Somer)

Bad Max (feat. Mark Hellenberg, Ben Cooper, Eden MacAdam-Somer & Max Newman)



Mark Hellenberg also plays drums on Caitlin Kraus’ album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus at the 2020 Virtual Nelsonville Music Festival (with Mark Hellenberg on drums)





Caitlin Kraus: “This Body”


Notes for “This Body”:

A song for the rights of all: the right to be safe in our bodies, the right to make decisions for our bodies, and the right to be who we are in our bodies. (Lyrics below.) I wrote this song […] out of the need to process my anger at women’s rights being taken away and for what this means for other rights down the line. A never-ending issue it seems, but one we can’t stop fighting for. A big thank you to Tom Riggs for taking footage of my first performance of this song with Mark Hellenberg on drums at The Union in Athens, OH.

Caitlin Kraus: “Gone Beyond”

Caitlin Kraus, Matt Box on bass, and Mark Hellenberg on drums.


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “Dead Man”


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “Locket”


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “On My Knees”


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “Follow Me”


Mark Hellenberg on Nelsonville Music Festival 2013


Mark Hellenberg


Elixir Contra Carnivale 2012 + Mark Hellenberg


Appalachian String Band: “Dance All Night With a Beer Bottle in Your Hand”

Bass: Ralph Gordon / Banjo Uke: Mark Hellenberg / Banjo: Adam Hurt / Guitar: Danny Knicely / Fiddle: Chance McCoy / Vocals: Aimee Curl, Chance McCoy


Catherine MacLellan at 2013 Nelsonville Music Festival

On this episode of “Crossing Boundaries Extra,” WOUB’s Mark Hellenberg talks with Canadian singer-songwriter Catherine MacLellan and guitarist Chris Gauthier at the 2013 Nelsonville Music Festival.


J.P. Fraley’s “Sail Away Ladies” on minstrel banjo and baritone uke 🙂

My pal Mark “Pokey” Hellenberg stopped by and I was noodling on my minstrel banjo this evening. I think these two instruments sound pretty together. Here’s JP Fraley’s Sail Away Ladies. (Keep in mind if you’re a clawhammer player eying my hands… this nyl-gut strung banjo has a longer scale length. The tune is in G, but the banjo is essentially tuned in “double G” … that is, string relationships and therefore chord shapes are as if I were playing in double D or double C, to play in the key of G. On a different banjo, I’d just use an open G tuning.)


Ink Spots cover: “I Don’t Want to Set the World On Fire.” Written by Bennie Benjamin, Eddie Durham, Sol Marcus, and Eddie Seiler in 1938


Pokey crooning “It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie.” Written in 1936 by Billy Mayhew and covered by The Ink Spots.



Caitlin Kraus (she/her), LPCC, MT-BC

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Music Therapist – Board Certified

Ohio University Counseling & Psych Services


Follow OU Counseling & Psych Services on Twitter at @OHIO_Counseling

Check out: Togetherall & WellTrack














CAITLIN KRAUS: “Waiting for the World” / “Dead Man” EP


Hart, Bob: “Caitlin Kraus: Making her own kind of music.” The Athens News. 19 December 2023

“It was a song called ‘Garden’ that did it for me. Perhaps only when a musical artist writes deeply personal lyrics do their words become universal, belying the specifics of their own situation and emotions to touch others on an intimate level. That song and many other good ones are on the CD “Gone Beyond,” by Caitlin Kraus. It’s her second recorded collection (following “What Rises”) and is available through many outlets, including caitlinkrausmusic.bandcamp.com, Spotify and Apple Music.”…


Caitlin Kraus: “Gone Beyond” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Gone Beyond” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.) — From the album GONE BEYOND.


Caitlin Kraus: “Gone Beyond” — From the album GONE BEYOND.

Caitlin Kraus, Matt Box on bass, and Mark Hellenberg on drums.


Caitlin Kraus: “Make It Clear” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Make It Clear” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.) — From the album GONE BEYOND.


Caitlin Kraus: “Strange Other” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Strange Other” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.)


Caitlin Kraus at the 2020 Virtual Nelsonville Music Festival


Caitlin Kraus: “Follow Me” — From the album WHAT RISES


It is a very special honor to have completed this music video for “Follow Me,” which was directed by the wonderful Adam Remnant who also recorded the song itself back in 2016. We collaborated on the concepts in the video and spent a chilly, beautiful spring day filming it with his talented students (listed below) at the Nelsonville, OH brick kilns, Hocking River, and surrounding neighborhood. For me, the lyrics and music of this song portray real imagery and memories that have grown dream-like with the passing of time, yet still remain formative and foundational. At its core, it is about transformation and being/becoming, but I hope the ambiguity and symbolism of the song and video also lead to your own interpretation and that you can find something resonant within it. Lyrics and digital/CD format available at caitlinkrausmusic.bandcamp.com. Music website at caitlinkrausmusic.com.

A huge and sincere thank you to Adam Remnant for his direction of the video and to the Hocking College students listed in the following credits: AC – Alex Rhinehart & Najayah Shepard; Grips – Alex Rhinehart, Alexis Pariseau, Najayah Shepard, Nate Ruhl, & Richard Valentine; On-set Photographer – Ivan Reardon

“Follow Me” is featured on the full-length 2020 release WHAT RISES and includes myself on vocals/guitar, Adam Remnant on bass/drums/keyboard, and Hannah Simonetti on violin. The song was recorded and mixed by Adam in Athens, OH while the full album was produced, mixed, and mastered by Bernie Nau at Peachfork Studios in Pomeroy, OH (https://peachforkstudios.com/).

Caitlin Kraus: “This Body”


Notes for “This Body”:

A song for the rights of all: the right to be safe in our bodies, the right to make decisions for our bodies, and the right to be who we are in our bodies. (Lyrics below.) I wrote this song […] out of the need to process my anger at women’s rights being taken away and for what this means for other rights down the line. A never-ending issue it seems, but one we can’t stop fighting for. A big thank you to Tom Riggs for taking footage of my first performance of this song with Mark Hellenberg on drums at The Union in Athens, OH.

Lyrics for “This Body”:

This body is temporary, but while it’s here / It’s not yours to hold captive in fear / This body is mine, it was never yours / So fuck your laws and gods and guns / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT / This body is sacred, but only safe / When I’m in charge, you have no claim / This body is proud and wears the crown / Makes the decisions and won’t back down / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT / And don’t tell me who I can love or about my identity / Don’t use your privilege to subject your patriarchy / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT

Caitlin Kraus: “What Rises” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “Pink Cloud”


Caitlyn Kraus: Boogie on the Bricks (10 August 2019) — Athens, Ohio


Caitlin Kraus: Interview and “Waiting for the World”


Caitlin Kraus: “Follow Me”


Caitlin Kraus Torres: “Dead Man” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: Full Show


Caitlin Kraus: “On the Way Down” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “Synchronicity” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “All Along”


Caitlin Kraus Band


Caitlyn Kraus: “Dead Man” on SA Live (KSAT-TV) — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus YouTube Channel


Caitlin Kraus: Top Tracks


Caitlin Kraus: Ohio University Adjunct Professor of Music Therapy


Caitlin Kraus: Live From Home (Includes at end Bruce Dalzell’s “You Always Make Me Smile”)


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “Dead Man” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “Locket” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “On My Knees”


Caitlin Kraus with Mark Hellenberg: “Follow Me” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “Waiting for the World” / “Dead Man”

Caitlin Kraus Torres: “Fill Your Heart” (David Bowie Cover)

Caitlin Kraus: “Waiting for the World” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “Full Bloom” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “Make Love Stay” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “By Dark” — From the album WHAT RISES


Caitlin Kraus: “Down to You” — From the album WHAT RISES


Interview & Article for WOUB Public Media (8/6/2020): Interview about upcoming performance for the Virtual Nelsonville Music Festival, history as a songwriter and musician, and experiences as a performer during the pandemic.


Article for WOUB Public Media (10/12/2017): Article about Caitlin’s path as both a songwriter and musician as well as a music therapist.


OVRLD Austin Music First (6/13/2016): “On her new single ‘Waiting for the World,’ Caitlin Kraus’ sweetly shimmering voice rises out of an oceanic musical backing, giving the track a melancholic feel, like a reinterpretation of The Awakening’s bitter conclusion. Kraus’ voice is powerful but not in a bombastic sense, it’s instead devastating in its emotional richness. The well-arranged strings that emerge after the beginning of the song aid in this, making ‘Waiting for the World’ an excellent bit of chamber pop that stands out for the frequently unimaginatively produced singer songwriter tracks Austin is oversaturated with.”


Caitlin Kraus: “Golden and Blue”


Caitlin Kraus: “Enough”


Caitlin Kraus at the Union


Suggested Listening ’23: Caitlin Kraus Suggests Good Music to Listen To

Caitlin Kraus is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Board-Certified Music Therapist providing services to students at Ohio University in Athens, OH. When she is not counseling, Caitlin is an active musician and songwriter, performing her music both solo and with a band under her name. She has released two full-length albums from Peachfork Studios: “Gone Beyond” (2023) and “What Rises” (2020). She also sings and plays in the band Drift Mouth. She is the proud companion of two wonderful dogs.

Some of the music choices presented here were not actually released in 2023 as I am usually a time traveler when it comes to music. While it was hard to choose only 10 albums/artists and songs, this is some of the music that I happened to listen to often in 2023 and which personally resonated the most. It is presented in no particular order. I hope you can enjoy it along with me!

Jake Xerxes Fussell – Good & Green Again (2022)

The Beths – Expert in a Dying Field (2022)

Nina Simone – You’ve Got to Learn (Recorded Live at the 1966 Newport Jazz Festival; Released in 2023)

Marina Allen – Candlepower (2021)

Drugdealer – Raw Honey (2019)

The Roches – The Roches (1979)

Labi Siffre – Crying, Laughing, Loving, Lying (1971)

S.G. Goodman – Teeth Marks (2022)

Esther Rose – Safe To Run (2023)

The GTOs – Permanent Damage (1969)

See below link for Caitlin Kraus’ commentary:


DRIFT MOUTH: “Starling”

Drift Mouth opens its Jan. 13, 2024, set at The Union in Athens, OH, with “Starling.” Lou Poster on lead vocals and guitar, Caitlin Kraus guitar, David Murphy drums, Nate Brite bass.


TOM RIGGS: Music to Consider (YouTube)


Tom Riggs is famous for recording local and regional (and national and international) music and posting the videos on YouTube.


TOM RIGGS: Music to Consider (YouTube)


Tom Riggs is famous for recording local and regional (and national and international) music and posting the videos on YouTube.

Here are a few of his many videos:

Caitlin Kraus: “Make It Clear” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Make It Clear” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.)


Caitlin Kraus: “Strange Other” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Strange Other” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.)


Caitlin Kraus: “Gone Beyond” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Gone Beyond” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.)


Caitlin Kraus: “This Body”


Notes for “This Body”:

A song for the rights of all: the right to be safe in our bodies, the right to make decisions for our bodies, and the right to be who we are in our bodies. (Lyrics below.) I wrote this song […] out of the need to process my anger at women’s rights being taken away and for what this means for other rights down the line. A never-ending issue it seems, but one we can’t stop fighting for. A big thank you to Tom Riggs for taking footage of my first performance of this song with Mark Hellenberg on drums at The Union in Athens, OH.

Lyrics for “This Body”:

This body is temporary, but while it’s here / It’s not yours to hold captive in fear / This body is mine, it was never yours / So fuck your laws and gods and guns / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT / This body is sacred, but only safe / When I’m in charge, you have no claim / This body is proud and wears the crown / Makes the decisions and won’t back down / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT / And don’t tell me who I can love or about my identity / Don’t use your privilege to subject your patriarchy / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT





Adam Remnant: “Three Days”


Lucinda Williams: “Drunken Angel”


Bruce Dalzell: “My Baby Scares Me”


Bruce Dalzell: “You Always Make Me Smile”




“The problem in our country isn’t with books being banned, but with people no longer reading. You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” ― Ray Bradbury

My FREE eBooks can be downloaded here in various formats, including PDF and ePub:


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No account is needed to download my FREE eBooks at Freeditorial.


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Arden of Faversham: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Arraignment, or Poetaster: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Case is Altered: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Catiline’s Conspiracy: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Devil is an Ass: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Epicene: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humor: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Every Man Out of His Humor: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Fountain of Self-Love, or Cynthia’s Revels: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Magnetic Lady, or Humors Reconciled: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The New Inn, or The Light Heart: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Sejanus’ Fall: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Staple of News: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s A Tale of a Tub: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Volpone, or the Fox: A Retelling

Christopher Marlowe’s Complete Plays: Retellings

Christopher Marlowe’s Dido, Queen of Carthage: A Retelling

Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus: Retellings of the 1604 A-Text and of the 1616 B-Text

Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II: A Retelling

Christopher Marlowe’s The Massacre at Paris: A Retelling

Christopher Marlowe’s The Rich Jew of Malta: A Retelling

Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine, Parts 1 and 2: Retellings

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Aqui Toca O Seu Som Means “Here Plays Your Sound”

 e luz means “Faith and Light.”


The Local Girls – I’ll Never Say Never Again

The Local Girls – I’ll Never Say ‘Never Again’ Again

The Local Girls – I Want to Be a Cowboy’s Sweetheart


Bruce Dalzell – Racing Up Route 13 (TV)

Bruce Dalzell – Sunrise at High Point (TV)

Bruce Dalzell – “Where I Come From” TV Video

The Local Girls – Stay a Little Longer (TV)

Vincent Trocchia’s “Hearing Things” Begins 6 Minutes In


Bruce Dalzell – Sunrise at High Point (TV)

Bruce Dalzell – “Where I Come From” TV Video

The Local Girls – Stay a Little Longer (TV)

Vincent Trocchia’s “Hearing Things” Begins 6 Minutes In

A message from Feeluz about the Vincent Trocchia video: “The music video that I [Rodrigo Mazutti] made for the country show were scenes from my short film called AEMULA: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27132260/.

Rodrigo Mazutti: English-language Short Film: AEMULA

A guy receives a phone call that makes him question his sanity. (AEMULA is Latin for “rival.”)


Rodrigo Mazutti on YouTube:



As Poderosas Cenourettes Topzeras das Gal​á​xias – Vegetal du Mal.mp4


As Poderosas Cenourettes Topzeras das Gal​á​xias – Vegetal du Mal.mp4

Bruce Dalzell – Last Dance at the Robinette.mp4

Bruce Dalzell – Mimi’s Mandolin.mp4

Bruce Dalzell – Racing Up Route 13 (Radio)

Bruce Dalzell – Sunrise at High Point (Radio)

Bruce Dalzell – Trimble Two-Step.mp4

Bruce Dalzell – Waltz for Kelee.mp4

Bruce Dalzell – Where I Come From

The Local Girls – Centerpiece.mp4

The Local Girls – I Want to Be a Cowboy’s Sweetheart.mp4

The Local Girls – Shout Sister Shout.mp4

The Local Girls – Stay a Little Longer (Radio)

The Sad Girls – Love Yourselves.mp4

Vincent Trocchia – Hearing Things.mp4


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