David Bruce: The Most Interesting People in Sports — Practical Jokes, Prejudice

David Bruce Anecdotes

Anecdotes are usually short humorous stories. Sometimes they are thought-provoking or informative, not amusing.

Practical Jokes

• In 1987, catcher Dave Bresnahan became famous briefly for throwing a potato in Class AA baseball in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. He had peeled a potato so that it was round like a baseball, then hid it in an extra baseball glove in the dugout. When an opposing player reached third base, Mr. Bresnahan told the umpire that his glove was broken, and went to the dugout to get his potato and spare glove. He then pretended to try to throw the player out at third base with a wild throw, that player ran home to score a run, and Mr. Bresnahan tagged him with the real baseball. The umpire was plenty mad when he found out what had happened, and he let the runner score although Mr. Bresnahan argued, “You can’t give him a run on a wildly thrown potato. Can you? Look it up.” Unfortunately for Mr. Bresnahan, he was fired for his stunt, although the farm director laughed and said, “That was ingenious. What are you trying to do: get on the David Letterman show?”

• On 6 July 1936, 17-year-old Bob Feller got to pitch in an exhibition game for the Cleveland Indians as they played the St. Louis Cardinals. Bob used his blazing fastball as he struck out Leo Durocher in three pitches. Yes, Bob’s fastball was blazing, but another thing that helped him was an occasional lack of control that allowed the ball to go toward the batter instead of the catcher, as previous batters had learned. After striking out, Leo went to the dugout and hid behind the water cooler while yelling at Bob, “You can’t hit me from here!” Bob was capable of joking around as well. Later, he used to attach noisy — but harmless — bombs to the cars of guests attending parties at his home. Some bombs made a bang when the owners started their cars, and some bombs that were attached to the tires made bangs as the cars traveled down the road.

• Professional baseball player Truett “Rip” Sewell once roomed with a practical joker and outfielder named “Junk” Walters. Junk once snuck up on Rip in the shower and smeared his rear end with a salve that was used to heat injuries. Rip would sit down, then stand up, then sit down — because of the salve, he couldn’t get comfortable. Later, when they were playing in Oakland, California, Rip was lying in bed when it began to move. He was sure that Junk was up to some devilment or other, so he said, “Junk, cut that out!” Junk replied, “You better shut up, Sewell, and stand in this doorway with me — we’re having an earthquake!”

• At the beginning of the NCAA gymnastics meet in 1974, a man walked out onto the floor exercise mat wearing nothing but pantyhose — over his head. Otherwise completely nude, he performed a roundoff, a back handspring, and a back somersault, and then he raced away with a police officer in pursuit. After managing to elude the police officer, he removed the pantyhose mask, got dressed, and returned to watch the competition. The nude gymnast was Jim Culhane, who made $35 in dares for performing his stunt.

• Nolan Ryan was one out away from a no-hitter when practical joker Norm Cash came up to bat, but he didn’t have a bat — he had a table leg! Even though Mr. Cash claimed that the way that Mr. Nolan was pitching, a bat wouldn’t do him any good, umpire Ron Luciano made him step up the plate with a real bat. Actually, Mr. Cash was right — the bat didn’t help him. Mr. Cash popped up, and Mr. Nolan recorded a no-hitter.

• Hockey is a rough sport, and many hockey players wear dentures. On an away trip, mid-1970s player Bob Plager of the St. Louis Blues once stole the dentures of his teammate Larry Keenan and mailed them to Mr. Keenan’s home. During a different game, after Mr. Plager was sent to the locker room because of game misconduct, he visited his teammates’ lockers and switched around their dentures.


• Gene Sarazen was born Eugene Saraceni. When he was playing professional golf in the 1920s, some of the other golfers did not want to play with an Italian. For example, at the 1922 U.S. Open, a golfer named Jim Barnes made a fuss about playing a practice round with him. However, Mr. Sarazen won the U.S. Open, and he and Jim Barnes were scheduled to play an exhibition match together for money. Jim Barnes asked Mr. Sarazen if he wanted to split the purse evenly no matter who won, but Mr. Sarazen declined. To make a point, he wanted to beat Jim Barnes in the exhibition match and take all the money — which he did.
















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Chapter 11: Virgil Teaches Dante (Inferno)

Dante and Virgil arrived at a steep bank from which they could look down into the dark, deep pit of Hell. They did not stay there long, for the stench arising from the lower Circles was too rank for them to bear. They moved back from the edge of the pit onto a tomb. On the tomb was written a name and a sin. The name was that of Pope Anastasius II, and his sin was to be a heretical follower of Photinus, who denied the divinity of Christ, believing instead that both of His parents were mortal human beings.

Virgil said to Dante, “We cannot continue on our journey yet. We will stay here a while so that we can become accustomed to the stench arising from the lower Circles of Hell. Once we have become used to the stench, we will continue our journey.”

Dante replied, “That’s fine, but I don’t want to waste time while we wait. Do you have any ideas?”

Well done, Virgil thought. You don’t want to waste time, and indeed time is not a thing to be wasted, especially now, when you are on a journey to save your soul.

“Yes,” Virgil replied. “As we wait here, I will be able to tell you how Hell is organized. That way, you will be better prepared for what is to come.

“First, let’s have a review. Even before entering Hell Proper, you saw the Vestibule of Hell, where those who did not choose between good and evil are punished. These souls are not worthy of Heaven, and Hell does not want them. These souls did nothing memorable — good or bad — with their lives.

“After passing through the gate above which are words written by God, we crossed the River Acheron and you saw my residence in Limbo, the first Circle of Hell. In that place the virtuous pagans and the unbaptized reside. It is a place of sighs, not screams.

“Then you saw the first of the three great divisions of Hell according to the pagan idea of sin: incontinence, violence, and fraud. The sins of incontinence are less evil than the sins of violence and of fraud because the sins of incontinence are those of a lack of self-control, not of malice aforethought.

“Circles 2 through 5 are devoted to the sins of incontinence. In Circle 2 are punished those who could not control their lust. In Circle 3 are punished those who could not control their desire for food and drink. In Circle 4 are punished the prodigal and the miserly: those who could not control their desire either for money or for the things that money can buy. In Circle 5 are punished those who could not control their anger.

“In Circle 6 are those who committed heresy. Because heresy is an essentially Christian sin, it is outside the pagan classification of sins.

“Below are the final three Circles of Hell. These Circles are devoted to punishing those who are guilty of malice, which is committed through violence or fraud. Fraud is something that is committed only by human beings — animals are violent but do not commit fraud — and so God hates fraud more than he hates violence.

“In Circle 7 are punished those who have committed violence. There are three kinds of violence:

“One, a sinner can be violent against neighbors. A sinner can do this by harming the person or by harming the person’s property.

“Two, a sinner can be violent against self by committing suicide. A sinner can also be violent against self by so violently wasting his wealth that he courts death.

“Three, a sinner can be violent against God by blaspheming Him. A sinner can also be violent against God by opposing Nature, which God created; for example, the Sodomites oppose Nature by engaging in sex that is incapable of resulting in children.

“In Circles 8 and 9 are punished those who are guilty of committing fraud. Fraud is depriving another person of a right through the use of willful misrepresentation.

“The two major kinds of fraud are simple and complex. Simple fraud is punished in Circle 8. Simple fraud does not involve the betrayal of a special trust.

“Ten kinds of sinners engage in simple fraud:

“One, Seducers and Panders,

“Two, Flatterers,

“Three, Simonists,

“Four, Fortune-Tellers and Sorcerers,

“Five, Grafters — those who give or accept bribes,

“Six, Hypocrites,

“Seven, Thieves,

“Eight, Evil Deceivers/Those Who Misuse Great Gifts,

“Nine, Schismatics; that is, those who caused divisions (in families, in politics, in religion, etc.), and

“Ten, Falsifiers; that is, Alchemists, Evil Impersonators, Counterfeiters, and Liars.

“Complex fraud is punished in Circle 9. Complex fraud does involve the betrayal of a special trust. Complex fraud is fraud to which is added treachery toward those to whom we have a special obligation to be honest and forthright. Four kinds of sinners engage in complex fraud:

“One, Traitors against kin/family,

“Two, Traitors against government,

“Three, Traitors against guests or hosts, and

“Four, Traitors against God — the worst sin possible.”

Dante said to Virgil, “I don’t understand why the sinners in Circle 5, those who could not control their anger, are not punished in Circle 7 along with those who are violent. We saw the sinners in Circle 5 fighting each other. Isn’t that violence?”

“The two sins are different,” Virgil replied. “In Circle 5 are punished those who are guilty of one kind of intemperance — they did not control their anger. The violence they do is not out of malice but rather out of intemperance.

“In Circle 7 (and Circles 8 and 9) are punished those who are guilty of malice. Instead of being guilty of not controlling themselves, they are guilty of using their self-control to deliberately commit violence (or fraud).”

“I have one more question,” Dante said. “How is usury offensive to God?”

Virgil replied, “Human industry and Nature are related. Human beings are meant to work the way that Nature does. A farmer does good by growing plants. This is the sort of work that human beings are supposed to do. A craftsman also works with Nature by taking raw materials and turning them into useful products. A usurer lends money at interest and makes money that way. The usurer does not make anything; the usurer produces neither food nor useful items. God wants human beings to work with Nature and to be productive.

“Now we are ready to continue our journey. We have grown used to the stench, and you now have a better understanding of the organization of Hell.”

I think you have learned quite a lot, Virgil thought. You have learned the main point: The deeper you go into Hell, the worst the sins become. The sins of incontinence are the least evil. Lust is the least evil sin of all. The sins of incontinence are punished outside the walls of the city of Dis, which is the city of Lucifer. The sins of heresy, violence, and fraud are punished within the walls of the city of Dis.

The sins of fraud are the most evil. The sins of complex fraud are more evil than the sins of simple fraud. Being a traitor against God is the worst sin possible. As you would expect, Lucifer, the angel who led the rebellion against God, is the worst sinner of all time.



Track: “Love Yourself”


Artist: Sad Girls

Artist Location: São Paulo, Brazil


Sad Girls é: 
Vocal – Maya 
Baixo – Luíza 
Guitarra – Giovana 
Guitarra – Maíra 
Bateria – Julia 
Teclado – Laís 


Você não sabe como eu me sinto, quando você me critica 
Eu posso e vou amar meu corpo como ele é 
Você não sabe como eu me sinto, quando você me critica 
Eu posso e vou amar meu corpo como ele é

You don’t know how I feel, when you criticize me

I can and will love my body as it is

You don’t know how I feel, when you criticize me

I can and will love my body as it is

Price: FREE DOWNLOAD for 15-track album

Genre: Rock. Riot Grrrl.






Dylan Barnes on YouTube


Dylan Barnes: Some Music


Dylan Barnes performs Billy Joel’s “New York State of Mind” while very tired.


Knock Knock – “Leather Jacket”

Knock Knock is a Sacramento band Dylan Barnes likes.



EDGAR WHAN (Nov. 18, 1920 – April 13, 2013)

Edgar Whan: “Growing Up is a Waste of Time, So Relax and Enjoy the Next Four or Five Years of Your Life: Advice for First-Year Students”

Some college friends of mine have asked me to write a few words about the university for those of you just entering this year. It is a difficult thing to write. I know you don’t want or need me to tell you about all the pitfalls and dangers that are sprinkled throughout the world of the university, and it wouldn’t do any good if I did. Besides, in the more than 40 years I have spent in universities, I myself have eagerly embraced almost every stupidity, sentimentality, self-indulgence, and vanity available to those in the university. With a little luck, you’ll manage to survive.

Your parents have already warned you about fast men and loose women and have endlessly explained to you how much this educational enterprise will cost them. Your uncles have told you that this is the best time of your life. Your brother wants your bedroom, and your sister wants some privacy. Your steady expects you to write every day. Everyone wants in.

But what can I tell you? I guess I should talk of some of the ways that students make their university experience be less than the passionate love affair with learning that it ought to be and maybe I should suggest some things you can do to make it really worthwhile. When you graduate you will, after all, be four years closer to being dead than when you started, so don’t waste all this time.

No matter what your practice may be, you know well enough what the bad attitudes about school are, but one of the most widespread and subtle of these unhealthy attitudes you may believe to be the only attitude available. I speak of the belief that a school is really just a different kind of a factory. Indeed, educational leaders talk about productivity, high standards, quality control, image making, and marketing the product (you). This language is not as sinister as it seems; it is simply the only way that large institutions know how to talk. But if you buy into this industrial/commercial scheme uncritically, you will demean yourself.

If, following this model, you allow yourself to think that you are simply working for a professor who pays you with grades, all the resentment and boredom that afflicted you working in the Burger King will begin to clog your attitude. But as a free student you should see that the world is upside down—the professors (whether they recognize it or not) work for you, not you for them. In the same way, the free faculty know that the administration works for them, not they for the administration. It is the administration’s job to keep the records and payroll and see that the blackboards are erased; similarly, the professor is responsible to you, not for you.

It is true that the prevailing view of the school as a factory has a certain utility for those of you who choose to follow it. It surely will train you to be what most employers want you to be; four years of grudging, automatic obedience to those hovering over you with red pencils will have its sobering influence. Being a submissive student will attract job offers to you because you will be four years older than when you began school, and you will have satisfied some forty different authority figures in a proscribed pattern of study. If what you did satisfactorily for those professors was dull and meaningless to you, so much better are you prepared for, as we say, the great world of work.

No matter how hard you try to be a more serious student, however, there will be times when you will find it useful to lean into the system and rock along with it, and that’s all right as long as you know what you are doing and as long as you keep alert and keep watching for those moments when some ideal will really engage your mind and spirit. You should always have in your mind some deep concerns or profound questions around which you can shape or organize the rush of facts or opinions which threaten to engulf you as you move from class to class and from experience to experience. Indeed, illuminating your work by such concerns will bring a wholeness and unity to you.

Each of you have your own questions, even though you may not know you have them. The following examples of unifying questions may help you recognize your own:

  • How can a man and a woman manage the politics of living together in the tension of conflicting interests?
  • What does it mean to be dead?
  • How can we deal with other races, classes, and nations without condescension, bullying, or contempt?
  • Are our religions just wishful dreams or reflections of another plane of reality?
  • What should be our relationship to the planet on which we ride?

So go to class. Learn your irregular verbs, equations, formulas, and management techniques. Develop your esthetic sense, expand your knowledge of society. Accumulate your credits. Pay your fees. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Don’t forget that what you care about is who you are. If all you care about is grades now and money later, who are you and what will you be?

—The late Edgar Whan taught English and was one of Ohio University’s best teachers ever.

Edgar Whan Obituary (Athens Messenger)




(All musical friends of Bruce Dalzell are honorary Athenians no matter where they live and love. Besides, Austin, Texas and Nashville, Tennessee are very large suburbs of Athens, Ohio.)

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Adam Remnant on SoundCloud


Adam Remnant on iHeart


Adam Remnant on Bandcamp


Adam Remnant on YouTube


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Albert Rouzie on SoundCloud


Albert Rouzie on iHeart


Albert Rouzie and the Wingnuts


Albert Rouzie on Bandcamp


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Angela Perley Official Website


Angela Perley on YouTube


Angela Perley and the Howlin’ Moon Wikipedia Article


Attila Horvath on Spotify


Attila Horvath on iHeart


Attila Horvath (The Tailwinds) on Bandcamp


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Billy Rhinehart on Spotify


Bruce Dalzell on Spotify


Bruce Dalzell on Spotify #2


Bruce Dalzell on SoundCloud


Bruce Dalzell on iHeart


Caitlin Kraus on Bandcamp


Caitlin Kraus on Bandcamp #2


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Caitlin Kraus on SoundCloud


Caitlin Kraus on Spotify


Caitlin Kraus on YouTube


Caitlin Kraus on Viberate


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Carrie Elkin on Bandcamp


Carrie Elkin Official Website


Carrie Elkin Wikipedia Article


Carrie Elkin at Red House Records


Carrie Elkin on Spotify


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Chris Keesey on ReverbNation


Chris Keesey on SoundCloud


Chris Keesey on Spotify


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Corbin Marsh Band on Bandcamp


Corbin Marsh Band on ReverbNation


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Dallas Craft on Bandcamp


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Danny Schmidt on YouTube


Danny Schmidt on Spotify


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Dave “Hedgehog” Mason on Spotify


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Donna Mogavero on ReverbNation


Donna Mogavero on Spotify


Donna Mogavero on Spotify #2


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Fathers of the Revolution on SoundCloud


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JD Hutchison on SoundCloud


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Jim Pilgrim on iHeart


Joe Bob Billy and the Texas Alien (with Stephen Craig Carlson)


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Jordan Tice on Bandcamp


Jordan Tice on Spotify


Jordan Tice on YouTube


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Kim Richey on Bandcamp


Kim Richey on Spotify


Larry Elefante on Bandcamp


Liz Woolley on Bandcamp


Liz Woolley on Spotify


Liz Woolley Official Website


Liz Woolley on YouTube


The Liz Woolley Band on Spotify


The Liz Woolley Band on YouTube


The Local Girls on Spotify


Mark Hellenberg on Spotify


Megan Bee on Spotify


Megan Bee on iHeart


Megan Bee on Bandcamp


Megan Wren on Spotify


Megan Wren on SoundCloud


Michael Manley on Spotify


Michael Manley and Katie Harford on YouTube


Michael Manley on Bandcamp


Michael Rinaldi-Eichenberg on Bandcamp


Michael Rinaldi-Eichenberg on YouTube


Michael Rinaldi-Eichenberg on Spotify


Mike Ratcliff on Bandcamp


Mike Ratliff on SoundCloud


Muswell Hillbillies on Spotify


No Stars on Spotify


No Stars on Bandcamp


Pineapple XVI on Spotify


Pineapple XVI on iHeart


Pineapple XVI on SoundCloud


Rachel Figley on Spotify


Rachel Figley on SoundCloud


Rachel Mousie on Bandcamp


Rachel Mousie on Spotify


Rachel Mousie on iHeart


Ready Aim Flowers on Instagram


Ready Aim Flowers on SoundCloud


Ready Aim Flowers on Spotify


Ready Aim Flowers on BandMix


Ready Aim Flowers on Amazon


Rent Free on Spotify


Riley James on Spotify


Ron Freeman on Facebook:


Ron Freeman (And Lost Orchards, His Group) on YouTube


Ron Freeman (And Lost Orchards, His Group) Bandcamp


Rylee Bapst on Spotify


Rylee Bapst on iHeart


Rylee Bapst on TikTok


Rylee Bapst on YouTube


Rylee Bapst Official Website


Rylee Bapst on Amazon


Sneakthief on Bandcamp


Sneakthief on Spotify


Southeast Engine (with Adam Remnant) on Spotify


Steve Zarate on Spotify


Steve Zarate on iHeart


Steve Zarate on SoundCloud


Steve Zarate on Bandcamp


Steven Craig Carlson on iHeart


Steven Craig Carlson (Joe Bob Billy and the Texas Alien) on iHeart


Steven Craig Carlson (Joe Bob Billy and the Texas Alien) on Spotify


Sun Boats on Spotify


Supernobody (with Matt Box) on Bandcamp


Supernobody (with Matt Box) on Spotify


Supernobody (with Matt Box) on YouTube


Tim O’Brien Official Website


Tim O’Brien on Spotify


Tim O’Brien on YouTube


Tim O’Brien Wikipedia Article


Tony Xenos on YouTube


Todd Burge on Spotify


Todd Burke on Bandcamp


Todd Burge on YouTube #1


Todd Burge on YouTube #2


Tony Xenos Official Website


Tony Xenos on Spotify


Tony Xenos on AllMusic


Vincent Robert Trocchia on ReverbNation


Wingnuts on Spotify


Winter Wilson on YouTube


Winter Wilson on TikTok


Winter Wilson on songfinch


Winter Wilson on SOUNDCLOUD


Winter Wilson on Facebook


Woody Pines on Bandcamp


Woody Pines on Spotify


Woody Pines



The Kings of Hollywood

This page is set up to celebrate the music of the Athens-based original music band The Kings of Hollywood, featuring Bruce Dalzell, T. Craig Goodwin, Scott Minar, David Borowsky, Mark Hellenberg, and Bernie Nau. The Kings were regionally successful, celebrated performers and recording artists in Athens, Ohio during the 1980s.



Tom Riggs: Music to Consider (Collection of Local and Regional Music)




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William Shakespeare’s 38 Plays: Retellings in Prose

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William Shakespeare’s 2 Henry IV, aka Henry IV, Part 2: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 1 Henry VI, aka Henry VI, Part 1: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 2 Henry VI, aka Henry VI, Part 2: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 3 Henry VI, aka Henry VI, Part 3: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well: A Retelling in Prose

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Create, Then Take a Break: 250 Anecdotes

Don’t Fear the Reaper: 250 Anecdotes

The Funniest People in Art: 250 Anecdotes

The Funniest People in Books: 250 Anecdotes

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The Funniest People in Families, Volume 3: 250 Anecdotes

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The Most Interesting People in Politics and History, Volume 3: 250 Anecdotes

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Kindest People Series

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Theater director Tyrone Guthrie advised his actors and crew to do this. The advice means to rise above whatever forces are working against you. All of us have personal problems. No one’s life is perfect. Sometimes, life seems to conspire against us. Rise above all that, and produce the best work you can.


Dance impresario Sergei Diaghilev advised his choreographers to do this. The advice means what it says. Do such good work that the person who commissioned the work—and of course the audience—is astonished. (Tyrone Guthrie also used this phrase.)

  • DO IT NOW.

As a young man, choreographer George Balanchine nearly died and so he believed in living his life day by day and not holding anything back. He would tell his dancers, “Why are you stingy with yourselves? Why are you holding back? What are you saving for—for another time? There are no other times. There is only now. Right now.” Throughout his career, including before he became world renowned, he worked with what he had, not complaining about wanting a bigger budget or better dancers. One of the pieces of advice Mr. Balanchine gave over and over was this: “Do it now.”


Ruth St. Denis once taught Martha Graham an important lesson when Ms. Graham was just starting to dance. Ms. St. Denis told Ms. Graham, “Show me your dance.” Ms. Graham replied, “I don’t have one,” and Ms. St. Denis advised, “Well, dear, go out and get one.” (Everyone needs an art to practice. Your art need not be dance. Perhaps your art can be writing autobiographical essays. Of course, you may practice more than one art.)


“I think high self-esteem is overrated. A little low self-esteem is actually quite good—maybe you’re not the best, so you should work a little harder.”—Jay Leno


Bruce Dalzell: What Have You Done to Me?


Bruce Dalzell: You Always Make Me Smile


Bruce Dalzell: My Baby Scares Me


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