David Bruce: The Most Interesting People in Sports — Football, Gambling, Gifts

David Bruce Anecdotes

Anecdotes are usually short humorous stories. Sometimes they are thought-provoking or informative, not amusing.


• In 1982, when the Super Bowl pitted Cincinnati against San Francisco, a young church-going woman admitted that she had bet $2 on Cincinnati, and after Mass on Super Bowl Sunday, she asked her priest, Msgr. Vincent Fecher, if that were wrong. He replied, “This is so important, I don’t want to decide. But I’ll tell you what: I was going back into church for something; why don’t I just ask the Lord if it was wrong?” Father Vincent returned in a few moments, and the young woman asked, “What did He say?” Father Vincent replied, “He said yes, it was wrong. You should have bet the $2 on San Francisco.” (By the way, San Francisco defeated Cincinnati, 26-21.)

• When Bo Jackson, a professional baseball player for the Kansas City Chiefs, started playing professional football for the Los Angeles Raiders, people wondered how well he would do. He soon showed them. In his fifth game for the Raiders, he made a 91-yard touchdown, running so hard that he crossed the end zone and ran into a tunnel that led to the locker rooms. When he returned to the end zone, he pretended to swing at the football with an imaginary baseball bat.

• The first football (and soccer ball) was a human head. In the 8th century, the Vikings invaded England and were defeated. The English soldiers decapitated the Viking leader and used his head to play a kicking game. Later, the same game was played with a blown-up cow bladder. Because the cow bladder kept popping, pigskin was used to cover it and give it durability. Today, the inside rubber bag of a football is known as a bladder, and the football is known as a pigskin.

• Ohio sportscaster Jimmy Crum frequently watched Ohio State football coach Woody Hayes during practice. Once a linesman got creamed at the line and Mr. Hayes yelled at him, “How many times do I have to tell you, before you run — think, think, think!” A few minutes later, the same linesman was again creamed at the line. This time Mr. Hayes yelled, “How many times do I have to tell you, don’t think — just run, run, run!”

• Lakia Washington was the only girl player on the Groton School football team. The male members of the team supported her, and they always told her not to take off her helmet until after the game — when the other team would discover that one of the people who had been running touchdowns against them was a girl.


• Chris Lemmon, the son of Jack Lemmon, once got lucky when a race tout gave him tips that turned out to be four winners in a row. Actor Walter Matthau heard him talk about his winnings, didn’t believe him, and said, “I’ve got a Martian living in my house. His name’s Harry, and he’s from Mars.” Chris protested that he had actually had four winners in a row, and he said that he would share the tout’s next tip with him. Walter said, “Harry and I’ll be waiting.” Eventually, the tout arrived and gave a tip, Chris shared the tip with Walter, both Chris and Walter bet on the recommended horse, and the horse lay down and took a nap when the race started. Walter told Chris, “You know that Martian I told you about, the one living in my house? Well, his relatives moved in.”

• After Jim Thorpe retired as a professional athlete, he worked as an extra in movies. Once, he and several other extras participated in a contest to see who could make the longest standing long jump. Betting on the outcome was William Frawley, who later played Fred Mertz in the TV sitcom I Love Lucy. Mr. Frawley knew of Mr. Thorpe’s athletic prowess, so he bet on the “old” man. Mr. Frawley won his bet, and Mr. Thorpe’s jump of 10 feet, 8 inches, was only 6 inches shy of the current world record.


• When NFL player Esera Tuaolo decided to come out of the closet, the media took notice. New York Timessportswriter Bob Lipsyte wrote a sensitive article. Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel on HBO did a very good piece. Mr. Tualo then appeared on Good Morning America, and the show was broadcast live on a JumboTron screen in Times Square. The Good Morning America studios overlook Times Square, and after the interview Mr. Tualo was a hero on Times Square. Celebrity publicist Howard Bragman, who has helped many athletes and actors come out, says, “Real New Yorkers — the hot dog vendors and cops on the street, no quiche eaters they — hailed Tuaolo as a star and a hero for his courage. They were giving him free hot dogs, free T-shirts — you would never have believed it was New York.”
















And my free books:

David Bruce at Smashwords (PDFs and Other Formats)




Tim Pfaff: “Rest in Peace”


Tim Pfaff: “Down the Road a Spell”


Tim Pfaff: “That Picture of JFK”


Tim Pfaff: “All I Really Want to Do”


Tim Pfaff: “Do You Want to Be in Love”


Tim Pfaff: “Coonskin Maple Water”



Every story has a thousand and one entry points. Once you start exploring, the story opens up. It reveals its layers, its players, its personality. You begin to see yourself in the tale, and you wonder how to give other people that same experience.

I have been at this for more than three decades. In the process, I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with a host of talented designers, architects, producers, scholars, curators and artists. You never know where that next big idea will come from. So put aside your ego. Shakespeare was right—there are surely more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophies.

Tim Pfaff Biography:


Tim Pfaff Official Website:


Tim Pfaff on YouTube:


TIM PFAFF ALBUMS: Listen to his albums FREE below:



TOM RIGGS: Music to Consider (YouTube)


Tom Riggs is famous for recording local and regional (and national and international) music and posting the videos on YouTube.

Here are a few of his many videos:

Caitlin Kraus: “Make It Clear” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Make It Clear” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.)


Caitlin Kraus: “Strange Other” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Strange Other” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.)


Caitlin Kraus: “Gone Beyond” (Caitlin Kraus performs “Gone Beyond” Aug. 17, 2023, at the Athens (OH) Community Center.)


Caitlin Kraus: “This Body”


Notes for “This Body”:

A song for the rights of all: the right to be safe in our bodies, the right to make decisions for our bodies, and the right to be who we are in our bodies. (Lyrics below.) I wrote this song […] out of the need to process my anger at women’s rights being taken away and for what this means for other rights down the line. A never-ending issue it seems, but one we can’t stop fighting for. A big thank you to Tom Riggs for taking footage of my first performance of this song with Mark Hellenberg on drums at The Union in Athens, OH.

Lyrics for “This Body”:

This body is temporary, but while it’s here / It’s not yours to hold captive in fear / This body is mine, it was never yours / So fuck your laws and gods and guns / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT / This body is sacred, but only safe / When I’m in charge, you have no claim / This body is proud and wears the crown / Makes the decisions and won’t back down / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT / And don’t tell me who I can love or about my identity / Don’t use your privilege to subject your patriarchy / I get to say what I put inside / I GET TO CHOOSE, IT IS MY RIGHT

Adam Remnant: “Three Days”


Lucinda Williams: “Drunken Angel”


Bruce Dalzell: “My Baby Scares Me”


Bruce Dalzell: “You Always Make Me Smile”


Sad Girls — “Love Yourself”

Track: “Love Yourself”


Artist: Sad Girls

Artist Location: São Paulo, Brazil


Sad Girls é: 
Vocal – Maya 
Baixo – Luíza 
Guitarra – Giovana 
Guitarra – Maíra 
Bateria – Julia 
Teclado – Laís 


Você não sabe como eu me sinto, quando você me critica 
Eu posso e vou amar meu corpo como ele é 
Você não sabe como eu me sinto, quando você me critica 
Eu posso e vou amar meu corpo como ele é

You don’t know how I feel, when you criticize me

I can and will love my body as it is

You don’t know how I feel, when you criticize me

I can and will love my body as it is

Price: FREE DOWNLOAD for 15-track album

Genre: Rock. Riot Grrrl.





Caitlin Kraus: “This Body”


Notes for “This Body”:

A song for the rights of all: the right to be safe in our bodies, the right to make decisions for our bodies, and the right to be who we are in our bodies. (Lyrics below.) I wrote this song […] out of the need to process my anger at women’s rights being taken away and for what this means for other rights down the line. A never-ending issue it seems, but one we can’t stop fighting for. A big thank you to Tom Riggs for taking footage of my first performance of this song with Mark Hellenberg on drums at The Union in Athens, OH.













My FREE eBooks can be downloaded here in various formats, including PDF and ePub:



My EXPENSIVE books (paperbacks and hardcovers, all of which are FREE eBooks at Smashwords) can be purchased here:



Arden of Faversham: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Arraignment, or Poetaster: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Case is Altered: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Catiline’s Conspiracy: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Devil is an Ass: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Epicene: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humor: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Every Man Out of His Humor: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Fountain of Self-Love, or Cynthia’s Revels: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Magnetic Lady, or Humors Reconciled: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The New Inn, or The Light Heart: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Sejanus’ Fall: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s The Staple of News: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s A Tale of a Tub: A Retelling

Ben Jonson’s Volpone, or the Fox: A Retelling

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Christopher Marlowe’s Dido, Queen of Carthage: A Retelling

Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus: Retellings of the 1604 A-Text and of the 1616 B-Text

Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II: A Retelling

Christopher Marlowe’s The Massacre at Paris: A Retelling

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George’s Peele’s David and Bathsheba, and the Tragedy of Absalom: A Retelling

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Homer’s Iliad: A Retelling in Prose

Homer’s Odyssey: A Retelling in Prose

J.W. Gent.’s The Valiant Scot: A Retelling

Jason and the Argonauts: A Retelling in Prose of Apollonius of Rhodes’ Argonautica

John Ford: Eight Plays Translated into Modern English

John Ford’s The Broken Heart: A Retelling

John Ford’s The Fancies, Chaste and Noble: A Retelling

John Ford’s The Lady’s Trial: A Retelling

John Ford’s The Lover’s Melancholy: A Retelling

John Ford’s Love’s Sacrifice: A Retelling

John Ford’s Perkin Warbeck: A Retelling

John Ford’s The Queen: A Retelling

John Ford’s ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore: A Retelling

John Lyly’s Campaspe: A Retelling

John Lyly’s Endymion, The Man in the Moon: A Retelling

John Lyly’s Galatea: A Retelling

John Lyly’s Love’s Metamorphosis: A Retelling

John Lyly’s Midas: A Retelling

John Lyly’s Mother Bombie: A Retelling

John Lyly’s Sappho and Phao: A Retelling

John Lyly’s The Woman in the Moon: A Retelling

John Webster’s The White Devil: A Retelling

King Edward III: A Retelling

Mankind: A Medieval Morality Play (A Retelling)

Margaret Cavendish’s The Unnatural Tragedy: A Retelling

The Merry Devil of Edmonton: A Retelling

The Summoning of Everyman: A Medieval Morality Play (A Retelling)

Robert Greene’s Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay: A Retelling

The Taming of a Shrew: A Retelling

Tarlton’s Jests: A Retelling

Thomas Middleton’s A Chaste Maid in Cheapside: A Retelling

Thomas Middleton’s Women Beware Women: A Retelling

Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker’s The Roaring Girl: A Retelling

Thomas Middleton and William Rowley’s The Changeling: A Retelling

The Trojan War and Its Aftermath: Four Ancient Epic Poems

Virgil’s Aeneid: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 5 Late Romances: Retellings in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 10 Histories: Retellings in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 11 Tragedies: Retellings in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 12 Comedies: Retellings in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 38 Plays: Retellings in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 1 Henry IV, aka Henry IV, Part 1: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 2 Henry IV, aka Henry IV, Part 2: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 1 Henry VI, aka Henry VI, Part 1: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 2 Henry VI, aka Henry VI, Part 2: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s 3 Henry VI, aka Henry VI, Part 3: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s As You Like It: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Coriolanus: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Cymbeline: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Henry V: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Henry VIII: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s King John: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s King Lear: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Love’s Labor’s Lost: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Othello: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Pericles, Prince of Tyre: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Richard II: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Richard III: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Tempest: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Two Noble Kinsmen: A Retelling in Prose

William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale: A Retelling in Prose


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Kindest People Series

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The Kindest People Who Do Good Deeds: Volume 2

Free Philosophy for the Masses Series

Philosophy for the Masses: Ethics

Philosophy for the Masses: Metaphysics and More

Philosophy for the Masses: Religion














You may download it FREE here:





Theater director Tyrone Guthrie advised his actors and crew to do this. The advice means to rise above whatever forces are working against you. All of us have personal problems. No one’s life is perfect. Sometimes, life seems to conspire against us. Rise above all that, and produce the best work you can.


Dance impresario Sergei Diaghilev advised his choreographers to do this. The advice means what it says. Do such good work that the person who commissioned the work—and of course the audience—is astonished. (Tyrone Guthrie also used this phrase.)

  • DO IT NOW.

As a young man, choreographer George Balanchine nearly died and so he believed in living his life day by day and not holding anything back. He would tell his dancers, “Why are you stingy with yourselves? Why are you holding back? What are you saving for—for another time? There are no other times. There is only now. Right now.” Throughout his career, including before he became world renowned, he worked with what he had, not complaining about wanting a bigger budget or better dancers. One of the pieces of advice Mr. Balanchine gave over and over was this: “Do it now.”


Ruth St. Denis once taught Martha Graham an important lesson when Ms. Graham was just starting to dance. Ms. St. Denis told Ms. Graham, “Show me your dance.” Ms. Graham replied, “I don’t have one,” and Ms. St. Denis advised, “Well, dear, go out and get one.” (Everyone needs an art to practice. Your art need not be dance. Perhaps your art can be writing autobiographical essays. Of course, you may practice more than one art.)


“I think high self-esteem is overrated. A little low self-esteem is actually quite good—maybe you’re not the best, so you should work a little harder.”—Jay Leno


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